“The transformation I’ve had since working with Shae is incredible. I went to her looking for help to open up sexually, what I received and continue to receive from her goes way above and beyond this. The journey towards connecting sexually, starts with authenticity, self expression, self care, self love and more! I realised I was trying to jump to the euphoric orgasmic state without having connection and true intimacy with myself first and then with my partner. Thank you Shae, thank you, thank you, thank you! I so appreciate your wisdom and guidance and look forward to the ongoing growth and progress I get to experience when I work in partnership with you. Five stars”

- L.R.

“Shae’s work is without a doubt the highest integrity internal work I have ever encountered and experienced. Shae comes from such a deep, wise and loving space, bolstered with a clear heart and sharp, open mind. Her passion for for what she does is so evident through her simple and masterful capacity to speak the language and rhetoric of somatic and emotional intelligence grounded and rooted in the most powerful places of a women’s body. Shae speaks not just with her heart, her eyes and her words but through her touch, her senses and her energetic capacity to truly feel and hold a woman. Shae is not only a well of deep knowledge and a resourceful teacher, but a heartfelt sister and healer - and how rare it is to find these women so deeply in love with and impassioned by that which they study, teach, and practice as their day to day contribution to balance, meaning and feeling on this beautiful planet. I couldn’t recommend her work more highly”

— Eva Louise Williams, Director and Founder, Golden Lotus, Dubai

"Shae has been instrumental over the years in my path back to self, she created a safe, loving and nurturing space where the deepest of healing took place. I now feel a new found safety and presence within my body which replaced many years of complete disassociation. What is most divine is I am home , my heart has expanded and I feel completely empowered to be the sensual powerful women I was born to be"

— Rachel

 "Shae, you are an amazing guide. I feel truly cared for and held safely by you, and have been blown away by our sessions and how transformative they have been”

“I do not even have words for how powerful a shift I have felt since working with Shae. My relationships have benefited and my sexual energy is flowing. I feel great and confident I am on the right path. Not once did I feel afraid to explore my deeper self with Shae as my guide. She established a safe and open space for me to set boundaries and fully surrender to the work we did. A true mother embodying the healer and nurturer, I could not have anticipated the level of trust that allowed me to fully receive the gift of awakening and express myself without hesitation. A truly powerful experience I would recommend to any woman wanting to re-connect with her body”

— Scarlett 

"Shae is full heart and massively generous… I can completely advocate that this is a woman who is coming from such a genuine space and is doing amazing things in the world. I’m excited that her community and the world can have a woman like this taking loving care of them”

— Emma Power, CEO & Founder of the Awaken School & Tantra is Love

"Shae, you are an amazing guide. I feel truly cared for and held safely by you, and have been blown away by our sessions and how transformative they have been.  You have assisted me to go much deeper into my psyche than I had been able to access before, and after exploring those depths and releasing those old emotions, I can really feel more trust and safety reverberating in my body and a new level of calmness  within the very cells of my being.  I am so glad I made the brave decision to work with you!"   

— Melanie

 “Thank YOU SO MUCH for guiding me to take back my power and authority over my body and feelings."

“Shae’s work is a way of looking within, of stripping back the layers, the guardedness and protection we all naturally build up around our true selves. Shae creates a space where women encourage the power and truth of other women, and where the rawness of all that a woman truly is, is encouraged and okay”

— Katrina Ruth, Online Business Entrepreneur

"Just wanted to share something with you, Shae. Last night was the first time I have had sex since our work together. It was enjoyable, until certain positions were painful for me. It was the first time I felt comfortable to say “stop” and “that hurts” without feeling ashamed or embarrassed for it. My partner listened and was really respectful and stopped right away which felt amazing. Afterwards he wanted to try again but I just didn't feel like it and said so. It felt SO empowering to say “No, I don’t feel like it right now.” and have the confidence to hold myself in that. Thank YOU SO MUCH for guiding me to take back my power and authority over my body and feelings. I have never been able to say how I truly feel without feeling responsible for my partner or that I’m not seen as “good in bed”. Now I understand this is my body and my choice on a much deeper level. I really am so eternally grateful to you for the empowering place you have helped me reach"

~ Jelena 

“Shae helps guide others with pure intent. Her heart and words are full of loving caring energy that you don’t just hear, you FEEL— this is a soul who communicates powerfully from her core, in service to the divine. It is a blessing to have connected with Shae, her force is strong and there is an authentic love and compassion for her sisters worldwide, Thank you, Shae and the universe for leading me to you”

— Annick Lebrasse, The Bali Oracle

 “I feel open and I'm asking for what I want out of life and in relationships which has been difficult in the past. Now I know that I deserve it”

“Shae is a gifted facilitator. I feel especially grateful that I was able to share experiences and learnings on a group level and wow, learning within a group of amazing women was incredibly powerful. This work is what I’ve been missing in my relationships and exactly what I have been looking for. Transformational!”

— Rachel

“Since working with Shae I've experienced a deep sense of knowing and wisdom, the safety of knowing who I am. I find myself being attractive and people gravitate towards me. I feel open and I'm asking for what I want out of life and in relationships which has been difficult in the past. Now I know that I deserve it. I feel sexy, beautiful and alive! Thank you for holding such a beautiful, nourishing and honouring space for me to be and dive deep"

— J.R

“After the incredibly deep and powerful work I did with Shae, I feel transformed. Shae's unique ability to hold space so lovingly anchored and centred in her heart offers the safety for full expression and full permission to process the entire emotional landscape. I 'm now more connected to my heart, de-layered, lighter and open with waves of effortless joy. The outcomes have continued to overflow into my relationships and work contributing to some major shifts just within a couple of weeks. I am truly grateful to Shae for her work that is without a doubt quite literally life-changing"

— D.F

 “It was such a relief to feel so safe with Shae in opening up to this work. It’s some of the most powerful and important work I’ve done”

“My work with Shae has been a profound experience for me with lots of beautiful shifts. The connection that I am feeling to my body and sexuality is so incredibly beautiful, I feel like I am really reconnecting and integrating such a sacred part of myself back into my being. The magic that's held in a woman's body is profound.  I feel so blessed to be able to do this type of work for myself. It was such a relief to feel so safe with Shae in opening up to this work. It’s some of the most powerful and important work I’ve done.  Thank you so much, this is such a gift to all women”

— Ali

"I've practiced saying no, when my body, heart, cervix and womb weren't ready for sex... that used to be quite the challenge, with me feeling guilty or pressured and trying to justify. Now I just say softly, honey I'm not ready, and he gives me more time and more soft caresses. I can better direct him and his touch without worrying that he'll feel 'not enough" 

— Sharon

“Im so grateful for the space you created for me to reconnect with myself. I have already seen a huge ripple out into my life and I’ve been able to really honour my boundaries"

— Star